already 9 months old! I just want to freeze time... she is as cute as it gets and we are completely smitten. This month was rough on her. Two double ear infections and a major cough made for some sad days, but even when she's sick she is mostly happy and smiley. She's not loving food lately, but seems to have plenty of energy. She can stand up without holding on to anything and walks when pushing her little cart. She loves taking her baby for walks. She claps, and waves hi and bye and loves playing ball. At her 9 month check up our peanut was 10th percentile in height and 25th in weight. She is rocking two teeth and even some hair (fuzz). She babbles all day long ... mammmma, dadda, addaaaa, lalala and really seems to like music. Her favorite activity is taking away her brothers toys and destroying anything that he builds. He has been a very kind big brother.